The Raw Data

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Wii U Isn't Selling

Nintendo, despite its biggest efforts, hasn't been selling much Wii U s.

What is the reason for their unsuccess? It is due to the fabricator's bad decisions.

The Nintendo Wii U was released in 2012, and ever since hasn't been a hit, however, the Wii was selling as good as it does today. Nintendo wanted the console to sell so bad, they classified the Wii as a "competitor". In efforts to increase the product's income, Nintendo will discontinue the Wii in a matter of time (An example of a bad decision).

Another mistake made by the company were non-interesting release titles. The videogames didn't catch the player's eye. Even though there were good games in 2013, the competitors' new games were more interesting. Now might just be too late for the console to compete with Microsoft's Xbox One and the Sony PlayStation 4. 

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